
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on huhtikuu, 2019.


Now that I have something to update you with I thought I'd write a new post! I recently finished my two-week training in housekeeping and now I've been working in reception for a few days - quite a difference as you can probably imagine! In housekeeping I spent one week in the laundry department and another cleaning the rooms. I must say that after an experience I now understand that world much better than I did earlier - it's complicated, hard and not very rewarding work. Yet still the most important in the entire hotel! Personally it wasn't my cup of tea as it was very repetitive and I prefer working directly with customers. My first impression of working in the reception is that it requires you to take in all the information around you and process it because you have to know everything that's going on in the hotel and outside of it... But it's very entertaining, my colleagues are awesome and time passes SUPER quickly! (Unless it's a slow day like tod

Long time no see!

Hello! Sorry about my radio silence here, so much has been going on and that combined with my laziness... Well, it's good to be back! I'm going to get back to posting on this blog more often. This week I switched from the food & beverage department to housekeeping. I'll be doing it for two weeks and then I spend the rest of my training in the reception - how cool is that! While I was gone there was also a leak in the hotel, I made a short trip to Sweden to visit my family, experienced the local nightlife, worked in fine dining for the first time in my life and other cool stuff! Recently another trainee started in the hotel - she's from Germany - so it's always nice to get even more awesome company to work with. Here's some photos to brighten up this post, enjoy! Oh you know, just a casual fire going on right next to our dorm around 8 am...